This page will eventually provide information and resources related to many different aspects of accessible transportation and using different modes of public transit as a person with a disability. This page will not link to all of the information touching on accessible transportation; rather, it will contain links to the most useful information a person with a disability should need related to accessible transportation.
For the most part, this page will be updated as episodes of the Demand Our Access podcast focus on accessible transportation and/or using public transit as a person with a disability. But there may sometimes be updates included on this page that are not addressed in an episode of the podcast.
If you want to see everything on the website that touches accessible transportation except for the podcast episodes, visit the Transportation category.
Air Carrier Access Act
The Air Carrier Access Act became law in 1986. The Department of Transportation’s rules further defining what it means to comply with the Air Carrier Access Act are set forth in 14 C.F.R. § 382. On July 8, 2022, the Department of Transportation released the Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights.
About The Air Carrier Access Act
The About the Air Carrier Access Act podcast episode post contains the script I read from to create the episode and an audio player you can use to listen to the episode. The script contains links to all of the resources mentioned in the episode.
Filing a Complaint Under the ACA
The post Filing a Complaint Under the Air Carrier Access Act has the information you will need to file a complaint against an airline that discriminates against you as a person with a disability.